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October 2018, Vol. 1, No. 4

DevOps metrics point to fast releases, open source adoption

It's one thing for an organization to declare its best intentions with DevOps. It's much more difficult, however, to look at DevOps metrics and find results that make all the requisite team reorganization and battle scars worth the effort. Even a team that has successfully adopted DevOps methodology and incorporated best practices will wonder: Are we doing this right? Could we do it better? Part of the problem is that it is not easy to know when DevOps is done well. There aren't universal examples of what success looks like when development teams and operations work in concert to create and deploy good software. Research, though, is beginning to show -- at least in outline -- what high-performing DevOps teams do that others don't do. In "Accelerate: 2018 State of DevOps: Strategies for a New Economy," a study by DevOps Research and Assessment, also known as DORA, survey respondents revealed details about how they work within DevOps frameworks, such as how often and how quickly they deploy code, the extent to which they use open ...

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